New Life Food Club: Teamwork!

Club members meet the delivery truck and assist in various tasks including: unloading, unpacking, weighing dry goods, sorting orders. All this takes place in a large kitchen and meeting hall we rent from a local church. Orders are placed by placards with your last name as well an check-off sheet to confirm your order. Perishable items will be kept in our refrigerator and freezer. Frontier order items are placed with your general order. Members pick up their orders between 3 and 6pm on delivery day.
When: The Tuesday afternoon following our Adjustment Meeting. The truck arrives about 1:30 pm, orders ready for pick up by 3 pm. Please arrive no later than 6pm.
The General Store
The Club offers a special benefit of a "Store" on Delivery Day. The Store is a table of extra items is available for sale during pick-up time. Simply fill out a sale slip for the products and the amount will be added to your account. This is a great way of trying new products!